If you’ve been pondering the purchase of an electric car, but were hesitant due to the lack of infrastructure to charge them and service them, you may be one step closer to getting the proper coverage you need. AAA is now starting to offer roadside assistance for these vehicles. They now have numerous service trucks … Continue reading “Roadside Assistance Now Available For Electric Cars”
Category: Informational
New ASE Deals Catalog is Ready
It’s here! The new 64 page full color catalog from ASEDeals. People have been clamoring for our latest, most up to date catalog. We publish a new one every year. We distribute 10,000 each year. This one has more products than any previous catalog. It’s chock full of the latest car lifts, tire changers battery … Continue reading “New ASE Deals Catalog is Ready”
BendPak Holds The Line On Prices for Q4
BendPak / Ranger, one of our largest manufacturers, announced on Monday that they plan on holding their prices at their current levels for the next two quarters. BendPak / Ranger is a manufacturer of such essential auto shop products as auto lifts, tire changers, exhaust tube benders, floor jacks, air compressors and much more. They have … Continue reading “BendPak Holds The Line On Prices for Q4”
911 Anniversary A Time To Reflect And To Give
The events of 9/11/01 still are prominent in the memories of all Americans who witnessed what transpired that horrific day. Those events led to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those wars led to many veterans obtaining debilitating injuries that required much rehab along with a permanent change in their way of life. That inspired … Continue reading “911 Anniversary A Time To Reflect And To Give”
Auto Makers Post Continued Growth
The latest sales figures from most of the major car manufacturers are very encouraging. Car makers report growth in many segments, especially smaller, energy efficient cars, but more recently, also reporting that truck sales have picked up. One possible reason for the increase in truck sales is the fact that gasoline prices have begun to come … Continue reading “Auto Makers Post Continued Growth”
ASEDeals.com Has Joined The Hub Garage
Automotive enthusiasts and gear-heads should already be familiar with the HubGarage.com. They are an on-line community of home hobbyists, professional mechanics, garage and other types of automotive industry related business owners and pretty much anybody interested in cars. If you’re reading this blog, your probably already a member. We decided it was about to join … Continue reading “ASEDeals.com Has Joined The Hub Garage”
Major Automakers Jumping Into China Market
The major auto makers from Asia, Europe and US are all currently manufacturing cars specifically for the Chinese market. They are introducing many new cars that cater to the more affordable market. The auto makers want a foothold in this potentially huge market so much that they are willing to take sacrifice intellectual property rights. These … Continue reading “Major Automakers Jumping Into China Market”
SAAB’s Deal With China Auto Maker Is Off
At a time when many major auto manufacturers have made deals with Chinese car manufacturing companies, SAAB has announced that it has severed it’s relationship with Chinese manufacturer Hawtai Motor Co. This deal was originally intended to prop up the struggling SAAB, giving them an entry into an untapped, potentially large and lucrative market in one … Continue reading “SAAB’s Deal With China Auto Maker Is Off”
Automakers Report Significant Boost For April
More good news on the auto maker front. Most major auto manufacturers came out with much improved figures for sales for the month of April. Hyundai was the big winner, with their second best month ever up over 40 percent. Honda was up over 9 % and Nissan up 12%. Most European manufacturers fared well … Continue reading “Automakers Report Significant Boost For April”
Good News For US Auto Industry
We told you in a previous post about Toyota shutting down their North American plants. Now there’s word that Nissan will be moving production of it’s Infinity SUV to the US along with production of it’s electric car, the Nissan Leaf. After hearing about the news of Toyota halting production in it’s North American plants, … Continue reading “Good News For US Auto Industry”