Hein Werner Hydraulic Bearing Press

We carry hydraulic and air Bearing Presses  from several different manufacturers, including Ranger, AFF, Zinko, Omega and Hein Werner. Probably our finest quality presses are manufactured by Hein Werner. They’re made in the USA, boast some of the finest quality components and a great warranty. With all the manufacturers out there moving production offshore, it’s nice to see at least one manufacturer keeping some jobs here in the good old USA. The quality is what you would expect out of a USA made product as well. Only the best components and workmanship go into each Hydraulic Press. They have 25 years in the business and they have no plans of moving production offshore. With quality like this, you can count on them being around for 25 more years. They have hydraulic press models, air presses and electric press in 25 and 55 ton capacity models. They also have handy accessories that many of the economy presses don’t offer. They have arbor plate and punch plate kits that are very popular. Check them out today and get back to us with any questions.