Reasonably Price Lift

Reasonably Price Lift
John Bennett - Ocala, FL

“I brought the lift home from the freight carrier’s terminal on my trailer as you can see in the photo. It easily fits under my ceiling and clears my garage door. That trailer used to be a menace to my shins whenever I needed to get to something out of storage on the adjacent wall. No more! Now I can park a car there and get to storage. Everyone who sees it is surprised how reasonably priced you have them. Considering a 10′ X 20′ garage around here is running at least $50 per square foot, I look at it as a $10,000 savings, not to mention that now, I’m even looking forward to working on my cars. I’m sure I’ll have a few friends and neighbors giving you a call.”As you can see, the lift is packaged in such a way, that you can pick it up at the freight carrier’s terminal with your trailer. They will load it onto your trailer at no charge. Then, once it is back home with you, just un-package it, and remove it piece by piece.