“Thanks for a great deal and great service”This is probably the most common type of testimonial we receive. They don’t often go into great detail about all the features and specifications of the product. Usually, they talk about our service. And we love to hear about it. It makes us proud and we believe our service is what sets us apart from the competition. Anybody can throw together a web site and sell products. It takes years of selling it to acquire the knowledge base to make the proper recommendations on which equipment is appropriate for your specific individual application. We have the experience to steer you in the right direction for your individual needs. We’re not just order-takers, who can only parrot the spec. sheet that the manufacturer provided. We’ve been selling these products for over 17 years. Here at Automotive Service Equipment, we’ll make sure you get the product you need at the right price.
Collins Gutter Service

Wilbur Collins, Morrisville, NC - Collins Gutter Service