911 Anniversary A Time To Reflect And To Give

The events of 9/11/01  still are prominent in the memories of all Americans who witnessed what transpired that horrific day.  Those events led to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those wars led to many veterans obtaining debilitating injuries that required much rehab along with a permanent change in their way of life.  
That inspired founder John Gonsalves to create a fantastic charity that still thrives today – Homes For Our Troops. This top notch charity helps create specially adapted homes made specifically to meet the needs of individual veterans who need these modifications to allow them to be self sufficient.
We quickly jumped on board early in supporting them. We felt it was about as worthy a cause that there could be.
At this historic anniversary, what better time could there be to make a pledge to help support these wounded veterans and say thank you in the best way possible. We hope you’ll give generously.