Auto Shops Must Meet New Standards For Paint Emissions

Auto Shops that are into body work and any shop that performs any painting of cars will have to comply with the new standards for emissions compliance as put forward by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in their NESHAP standard. This dictates painting air toxin emission maximums for the painting and stripping industry.
The deadline for compliance is Monday, January 10th, 2011. All auto body shops must prove that they comply with these new standards. Previous standards applied to larger sources, such as industrial producers. These new standards apply to smaller sources of emissions, such as auto body shops.
These standards dictate the amount of stripping solvent you allow into the atmosphere as well as paints and coatings of all kinds that you allow into the atmosphere. They dictate the type of spray booths and filtration systems you will need to use. They also demand that you clean your paint guns in a way that conforms to their standards.
We carry the KleenTec KT2200SS Paint Gun Washer. This is a high tech piece of equipment that will help you comply with these standards. It will clean 2 guns and two cups at the same time. It has a stainless steel cabinet, flow through brush for manual cleaning, and a reliable diaphragm pump. The Clean Air Act regulates the emission of VOC’s (volatile organic compounds). Because of these clean air requirements, many states now demand a closed systems for washing and cleaning spray guns and cups. The KT2200 complies with the requirements for a closed cleaning station for cups and spray guns.

When your shop has a vehicle up on a Car Lift, or in a paint booth, you want to make sure you are complying with the various government regulations that apply. Whether it’s OSHA, EPA, or some other agency, you don’t want an inspector to come in, and find you out of compliance. Penalties and fines are getting steeper every year for infractions.