More good news on the auto maker front. Most major auto manufacturers came out with much improved figures for sales for the month of April. Hyundai was the big winner, with their second best month ever up over 40 percent. Honda was up over 9 % and Nissan up 12%. Most European manufacturers fared well also. VW sales were up 23 percent, while BMW was up 19%. US auto makers did well, with GM sales increasing over 26%, Ford up 16% and Chrysler up 22%. Not all manufacturers performed so well. Some barely squeaked out a gain. Mercedes was only up 2%, while Toyota was the worst performer, at just over 1%.
Part of the reason for the poor performance for Toyota was the earthquake / sunami disaster in Japan. Toyota had to cut production because of the disaster and they expect to continue to struggle for the next few months as well.
Small car sales accounted for the largest percentage increase, with an increase of over 17%. Much of that statistic can be attributed to rising fuel prices. Consumer are predictable. They will buy smaller cars as gas prices rise.
Automotive Equipment manufacturers also saw increased sales. Averaging 15% among the major manufacturers. Auto Lifts and Tire Changers were among the leaders.
Hopefully, these statistics are a sign that we can expect to see continued robust sales for the near future. The figures are so healthy now because of the significantly depressed levels they were the previous year. As time goes on, and monthly sales figures are compared to the more moderate current figures, it will be more and more difficult to show improvement.
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