A Blog like this is a perfect way to get important news out to customers. For instance, news about new product releases, or new customer submitted pictures, product updates, or just general safety or helpful product info. This post is to inform you of an impending price increase. Nearly every manufacturer we carry has had a recent price increase, or has scheduled one to take place soon. After dropping for a year or so, commodity prices have recently begun to shoot up dramatically. While this is typically a good sign in that it usually means economic activity has begun the accelerate, it is also bad news in that every manufacturer is raising prices, and this hits every body’s pocketbook. BendPak is the latest manufacturer to announce a price increase. It is scheduled to occur July 1st, 2010. Many customers who were planning on purchasing an Automotive Lift or Tire Changer or many other automotive shop products would be wise to place their order before this date. Prices will be going up an average of about 5%. Don’t wait until the last minute.
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