New Clore Automotive Vehicle Memory Saver

Auto shop technicians and home / hobbyists who needed to disconnect the battery while servicing a vehicle in the old days didn’t have much to worry about. They could just disconnect the battery and perform their work, then reconnect the battery and you’re good to go.
Not so easy anymore. With all of the modern electronic components and accessories in today’s automobiles, you can’t disconnect the battery with such reckless abandon anymore. You risk all kinds of hazards, not the least of which is losing all of your customer’s presets on their radio.
So what can you do to prevent this from occurring? Simply hook up the new Clore Automotive Vehicle Memory Saver Connector.
Just connect the Model ESA30 cord to a hand-held Battery Jump Starter and the automobile’s OBDII port and you can preserve the vehicle codes and electronic presets while the vehicle’s battery is disconnected.
This prevents electronic memory loss when disconnecting the car’s battery. There’s even am LED that confirms you have a good connection with the auto’s OBDII port.
There is absolutely no reason you should be without one of these any longer.
No shop should be without one.