HORSE POWER – TRUE OR EXAGERATED? Many air compressor manufacturers “exaggerate” their horsepower ratings to sell more compressors. Industrial compressors like our BendPak TRI-MAX™ Series are rated accurately, which is why you’ll notice the 5 and 7.5 HP motors are noticeably physically larger (nearly 40% larger) than one of those overrated “Chain Store” one. A … Continue reading “Air Compressor FAQ’s – Part One”
Tag: Air Compressors
Air compressor choice can be confusing. Let us help you choose the correct type and model for your garage or automotive shop. New TechShop Magazine Ad has been around for 14 years now. And in that time frame, we have advertised in a wide variety of media, including on-line and print media. We also have a catalog that we mail out. The trade publications we advertise in can be categorized into two categories – Professional and home / hobbyist. Some of … Continue reading “ New TechShop Magazine Ad”
Air Compressor Options
There are many different types of air compressors on the market these days, as well as many different manufacturers. Given the wide array of choices, your first task is to determine what type of compressor you need for your specific application. Maybe you need a gas powered compressor or electric Air Compressor ? When outfitting a typical auto shop, … Continue reading “Air Compressor Options”
What Type Of Air Compressor Should I Get?
This is one of the most common questions we get. Customers opening an auto shop, or facility of any kind that requires an air compressor often don’t have any idea on what type or size of air compressor to get. First, you need to determine if your application requires a gas powered or electric powered compressor. … Continue reading “What Type Of Air Compressor Should I Get?”