View Our Listing In PTEN’s Online Product Guide

If you are familiar with the automotive equipment industry in any way, then you should know who PTEN is. And since you’re a follower of this blog, odds are good that you are a follower of the industry.

PTEN is short for Professional Tool & Equipment News. This is one of the industry’s most popular trade magazines. It is published monthly, and it provides news and insights into the most popular trends of the automotive service equipment industry. It highlights some of the more popular tools as well as brand new tools and innovative new garage equipment that will help technicians be more productive.

If you don’t currently receive this handy periodical, you would be wise to subscribe. If you own or work in a garage, you can get it for free. Just contact them and they will send it to you. You’ll just have to fill out a brief form. It is well worth it.

ASEdeals has appeared in this magazine many times, as advertisers, as well as featured products and distributors. They are currently running their annual On-Line product Guide. It features a wide variety of distributors and manufacturers, and we have several listings in it as well. You can view our listing here –